Amanda Mowry
Homeowner Services Administrator
Simple, Decent, Affordable Homes
Black Hills Area Habitat for Humanity builds simple, decent, affordable homes with families from our community to help them build a more stable environment where their family can grow and prosper. Habitat provides equal housing opportunities for all, and ensures fair and equal access to its programs and services regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, familial status, disability, marital status, ancestry, sexual orientation, source of income, or other characteristics protected by law.
Interested in purchasing your own home? Watch the Homeownership Informational Video. Download the Homeownership Application, complete it, and submit via email (amanda@blackhillshabitat.org) or regular mail to our address at the bottom of this page. And, if you’d like, join us for an information session to learn how the program works and how you can get one step closer to homeownership.
In order to qualify, interested applicants must meet the following basic eligibility requirements:
- Please view Eligibility Chart below. Note that this chart is updated annually in July of each year.
- Applicants with gross annual incomes above the stated maximum will be considered, please apply regardless if you believe you may be over the stated maximum gross income.
- Earned or unearned income must be expected to continue for at least 3 years
- Monthly house payment set at 28% of monthly gross income, including funds escrowed for homeowners insurance and property taxes.
- You must have a need for alternative housing, such as paying too much for housing expenses, overcrowding, high utility bills, rental instability, etc.
Willingness to Partner:
- Each applicant must complete 200 hours of volunteer time, termed “sweat equity” including 100 construction hours, education hours, and volunteer hours donated by friend & family of applicant.
Ability to Pay an Affordable mortgage:
- Homes are priced at fair market value as established by an independent, third-party appraisal.
- Monthly housing expenses (mortgage, real estate taxes, and homeowners insurance) will not exceed 30% of your gross income.

“Before the program I wasn’t sure about hope or community. I didn’t think either existed. But today, I am certain without either, I would not be where I am today.“
– Qwauna, Habitat Homeowner since 2021

Please contact Amanda via email, amanda@blackhillshabitat.org or at
605-348-9196 with questions or assistance with the application.